And now spring

Eileen Rudden
2 min readApr 18, 2021

It’s here. The cherry blossoms and magnolias, the bright chartreuse first growth on trees, or the deep red maple buds, the greened grass. White- throated sparrows are singing “Old Sam Peabody, Old Sam Peabody”(that’s what they sing in New England!) at very early hours.

I’ve been distracted by work, by visiting with children and grandchildren, by a growth on my lip which has been diagnosed as squamous skin cancer. It grew so fast, like a spring shoot enjoying the sunshine. It will be removed tomorrow..

Driving back from New York on the highway, I see the grey and piney landscape now floating with creams and whites and early greens.

I am surprised by an osprey fishing at Black’s Nook at Fresh Pond, and happy to hear the trill of the returning pine warbler. There is a hermit thrush bobbing her tail in our baby birch! The tree swallows have returned.

My garden is awakening. The snowdrops are done, the early Scilla fading. The Thalia narcissus are opening but got whacked by the snow on April 16, but will thrive. Periwinkle are popping.

The early birds, like the great horned owl at Fresh Pond (shown here with her owlet on March 22), are nursing their young. The others are showing off and mating.



Eileen Rudden

Eileen Rudden is a tech investor, advisor and board member. She is co-founder of LearnLaunch